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terça-feira, junho 30, 2009 

Note to President Obama: Want to Fix the Schools? Look to Portugal!

Noticias que nada interessam à oposição de Sócrates ...

‘To show the way, I suggest the president take a look at a modest country across the Atlantic that's turning into the world leader in rethinking education for the 21st century.

That country is Portugal. Its economy in early 2005 was sagging, and it was running out of the usual economic fixes. It also scored some of the lowest educational achievement results in western Europe.

So President Jose Socrates took a courageous step. He decided to invest heavily in a "technological shock" to jolt his country into the 21st century. This meant, among other things, that he'd make sure everyone in the workforce could handle a computer and use the Internet effectively.

This could transform Portuguese society by giving people immediate access to world. It would open up huge opportunities that could make Portugal a richer and more competitive place. But it wouldn't happen unless people had a computer in their hands.

In 2005, only 31% of the Portuguese households had access to the Internet. To improve this penetration, the logical place to start was in school, where there was only one computer for five kids. The aim was to have one computer for every two students by 2010.

So Portugal launched the biggest program in the world to equip every child in the country with a laptop and access to the web and the world of collaborative learning. To pay for it, Portugal tapped into both government funds and money from mobile operators who were granted 3G licenses. That subsidized the sale of one million ultra-cheap laptops to teachers, school children, and adult learners.

Here's how it works: If you're a teacher or a student, you can buy a laptop for 150 euros (U.S. $207). You also get a discounted rate for broadband Internet access, wired or wireless. Low income students get an even bigger discount, and connected laptops are free or virtually free for the poorest kids. For the youngest students in Grades 1 to 4, the laptop/Internet access deal is even cheaper -- 50 euros for those who can pay; free for those who can't.

That's only the start: Portugal has invested 400 million euros to makes sure each classroom has access to the Internet. Just about every classroom in the public system now has an interactive smart board, instead of the old fashioned blackboard.

This means that nearly nine out of 10 students in Grades 1 to 4 have a laptop on their desk. The impact on the classroom is tremendous, as I saw this spring when I toured a classroom of seven-year-olds in a public school in Lisbon. It was the most exciting, noisy, collaborative classroom I have seen in the world.’

in http://www.corporacoes.blogspot.com/

Sobre Nós

  • JS Castanheira de Pera
  • Leiria, Castanheira de Pera, Portugal
  • A Juventude Socialista de Castanheira de Pera(JS) é uma organização política de esquerda que surge como juventude partidária do Partido Socialista. A JS Castanheira de Pera encontra nesta corrente política e ideológica um projecto progressista de restruturação e transformação social, centrada nos valores da Igualdade, da Solidariedade e da Liberdade! Composta por jovens que se dizem insatisfeitos com o mundo em que vivem, esta organização defende uma sociedade livre de injustiças, desigualdades e de pobreza, que saiba respeitar e ser tolerante com as diferenças. Lutam por uma sociedade onde o desenvolvimento é sustentável e que, portanto, respeita e protege o ambiente. Pretende uma sociedade próspera e avançada culturalmente, capaz de assegurar a todos educação e cuidados de saúde de qualidade, protecção social e emprego com direitos. Os jovens socialistas são internacionalistas e radicais na defesa da paz. É por esta razão que a intervenção política desta organização também passa pela procura e pela defesa de uma alternativa para um mundo muito marcado pela desigualdade, pela pobreza e pela guerra. Junta-te à nós!! Esquerda é Juventude!!